

My fascination with photography started when as a 10-year-old kid was reading a copy of the National Geographic magazine. Only many years later, I bought my first 35 mm film Minolta camera with two affordable lenses and started my journey into black and white film photography. A year later, I slowly entered the digital phase and started experimenting with colors but only for a short time. My life journey took me away from photography for many years. After a long hiatus, in November of 2017 I picked up my camera again, this time I started pursuing landscapes and cityscapes. I have to say that living in the beautiful California makes it so easy to capture wonderful photos of the coast, woodlands and mountains. In addition to nature, the vibrant cities like San Francisco are an infinite source of inspiration for its architecture and diverse communities. In a short time, photography became a real passion for me so even when I am not in California and travel, I always bring my camera and tripod with me in a hope to capture the perfect light. To get the perfect photo Iā€™m willing to climb mountains, use ropes to get to a beach at the bottom of the cliff, stand on a small rock while huge ocean waves are crushing just few feet away, or hike for miles and miles in the middle of the night just to get to the perfect sunrise spot.

Dear visitor please join me on this journey and I hope you will enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them while exploring the amazing nature and cities of our planet.